Plant species that do not require care and that can be grown away from the sun are few. These include creeping plants and species from dark tropical forests. Succulents (aloe, sanseveria, agave) are also easy to grow, but they need more light and do not tolerate moisture well. In difficult lighting conditions, even the easiest to grow plants develop poorly - so it is often worth replacing them with real-looking, perfectly made artificial plants.
Aloe - undemanding houseplants with decorative leaves
Various species of aloe are particularly popular indoor plants that are distinguished by their ease of cultivation. The most common are common aloe and tree aloe, which even novice gardeners can handle. These plants are watered rarely, especially in winter, when excess water is harmful to them. They are considered "maintenance-free", so they are particularly popular in offices and in apartments of particularly busy or frequently departing people.
However, these undemanding houseplants have a disadvantage: they need relatively much light, preferably in diffuse exposure. Therefore, they should be placed next to south or south-west windows. Therefore, we can enjoy aloe vera in all lighting conditions only when we choose artificial plants.
Artificial aloe in a pot is perfectly made. It is deceptively reminiscent of decorative leaves of natural plants, not only in appearance, but even to the touch. Due to its lushness, it is even more attractive than natural plants - it is 58 cm high and has 17 leaves.

Sansewieria Zelenica - An easy-to-grow plant with thick, striped leaves
Sansewieria Zelenica (Coil) is a succulent that is very easy to grow. Sansewierias are rightly considered undemanding plants, but they are harmed by excessive humidity and too intense light. Their decorative, sword-shaped leaves are very sharp and can be dangerous to children and pets. In the cultivation of coils, shallow, but large pots are also necessary, which in the case of domestic animals is associated with the problem of frequent spilling of soil.
If we want to avoid these problems, it is worth choosing artificial sanseviers as decorative plants for the windowsill . Their additional advantage is durability - the stiff leaves of natural sansevieria are very attractive, but at the same time brittle, which makes it easy to mechanically damage the plant. The artificial sanseviers are as beautiful as they are living, and are offered in elegant pots that suit both modern and classic interiors.
At the same time, we can create unusual compositions with coils, which look particularly interesting in large groups - instead of wide, shallow pots typical for natural plants, choosing slender vessels in which their tall, sword-shaped leaves with yellow edges look even more interesting.

Cacti and agaves - the easiest potted plants to grow
Succulents are particularly easy to grow - but they are not plants that do not require watering. Cacti can be watered only once every two weeks, drying a cactus is not uncommon among people who "do not have a hand for flowers". Apart from the winter dormancy period, we water agaves sparingly, but often, several times a week. Dry-loving potted plants do not need much water, but they do not tolerate cultivation on northern windows, where they are adversely affected by cold and damp conditions - we move them to northern windows only in winter, when they enter the period of rest.
Therefore, even the easiest-to-grow, popular potted plants require certain care treatments, as well as knowledge and skills. Like aloe and sansevieria leaves, agave leaves are prone to unsightly fractures and other mechanical damage, and they often turn brown. Potted green plants that do not need any care, never need to be watered and that do not deteriorate are only artificial plants. A fine example is the maintenance-free artificial agave.
Ornamental grasses - interesting houseplants that do not require much light
Decorative grasses grow in open areas (steppes, meadows and savannas), but due to the dense structure of the clumps, many species are well adapted to shade. Some decorative grasses can therefore be used as houseplants in dark interiors. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to grow the most colorful species in pots. Grass with variegated leaves, colorful grains and flowering grasses always require sunny locations.
In all lighting conditions at home and in the office, they can be successfully replaced by artificial pampas grass in a pot. It allows you to achieve a light and subtle, but at the same time unusual effect in interiors, which is caused by natural grasses in modern, minimalist gardens. Juicy green miscanthus it has soaring leaves, pampas grass gently waves and falls. So they belong to the most interesting potted plants when we want to introduce geometric variety and dynamism to the interior - it is especially important in rooms with little light.

Ivy and creeping plants that prefer shade
Many species of creeping plants, which grow in shade under natural conditions, can be grown on window sills that lack light. At home, ivy requires isolation from direct sunlight - so it is especially popular as plants on the northern side, where light rarely reaches.
Ivy is a very hardy, undemanding plant, but it is difficult to keep clean. They also need special pots and significant substrate moisture. If we choose artificial climbers, we can achieve any form and arrangement of vegetation. This is made possible by both standard and custom- made inserts for pots used in interiors where vines can appear together with other species.
Natural vines need supports, and their dangling branches and leaves can stain window sills and walls. Large creeping plants need a lot of time to grow - thanks to the use of inserts for pots, the desired effect can be achieved immediately. A great variety of species is also possible, unattainable in the case of natural ivy that suppresses the growth of other types of vegetation. Among the inserts for pots with artificial plants, flame- retardant inserts
attract attention - they are also particularly protected against UV rays, thanks to which the deep green of the lush vines can also be enjoyed in places with particularly high sun exposure. These can be windowsill plants used in places completely different from their natural habitats.

Other popular plants, undemanding to lighting conditions and care
Other interesting potted plants that are very easy to cultivate at home are, for example, asparagus, calathela, perennial, ficus benjamin, climbing ficus, phytonia, Japanese fatsia, peperomia, dieffenbachia, pteroflower and secretoflower. Many of them come from deep forests or tropical jungle, so resistance to the lack of light is their natural feature, an adaptation necessary for life. Of course, these are not plants that can live in complete darkness.
Their common advantage is large, decorative leaves that allow you to get hard-to-reach light in dark forests. Most of them, however, have some disadvantages, and the variety of requirements means that they can rarely be grown in one common pot. For example, calathea needs high humidity and frequent sprinkling with water (otherwise it turns brown) - so it cannot grow next to asparagus leaves that do not like water drops. If we want a varied plant composition, it is worth choosing a rather rich, varied decoration made of artificial shade-loving tropical plants.
Natural plants that are easy to grow and compositions made of artificial plants
Real plants without the sun are only artificial plants. Among naturally occurring plants, we can choose from only a relatively small group of shade-loving species. Many of them (e.g. ivy, fat) are poisonous plants, dangerous for children and animals. Species that are considered easy to care for also require a lot of care - artificial plant compositions are often a better choice. Those natural plants that do not require watering usually cannot be placed on northern windowsills. So it often turns out that even the easiest species to grow is better replaced with artificial plants.