The coronavirus pandemic and the restrictions introduced have made remote mode work much more frequent and popular. Many of us notice the advantages of working from home and are in no rush to return to the office. No wonder, working in the home office mode allows you to save time and avoid tiring, daily commuting during rush hours. What's more, home office often gives us more freedom and the possibility of independent work organization.
However, there are certainly a lot of people who are tired of working from home, they lack springboard and everyday contacts with colleagues. In addition, at home, it is undoubtedly much more difficult to be motivated and systematic. So how to organize and plan your home space so that remote work is comfortable and enjoyable? Here are some aspects that have a huge impact on your well-being when working remotely and allow you to better organize and motivate yourself.
1. Prepare your workplace
An important, and in fact the basic issue is good organization of the remote work place. This is where we spend several hours every day, so we should feel comfortable and comfortable. If we only have such an opportunity, it is worth allocating one room of our apartment as a home office from which we will work. This will allow you to quickly and easily switch from home, private or professional mode.

If we do not have the possibility to arrange the entire room, it is worth separating our own, small corner, which will be our individual workplace. First of all, let's take care of a good desk, adapted to our needs, and an ergonomic, adjustable chair that will allow us to maintain the correct body posture throughout the day. A good office chair will help us avoid back pain and degeneration.
When arranging a workplace, it is also worth paying attention to additional shelves or drawers equipped with the materials we need for everyday work. Thanks to the fact that we will have everything we need at hand, we will work more efficiently and faster.
2. Take care of the appropriate decor around you
A cozy, aesthetic interior has a huge impact on our well-being. Therefore, we should ask that our small office corner or our home office look clean and fresh. Remote work in a well-designed and arranged interior will be much more pleasant. Take care of the right lighting, add color to your space, hang pictures and ... introduce vegetation!
Green color calms down, soothes, and also has a great influence on the work of our mind, concentration and performance. Moreover, the green brings relief to our eyes, which can get tired of staring at the computer screen for a long time. A great idea can be a currently fashionable monstera , with beautiful, spreading leaves. On the other hand, if you fancy a hint of exoticism, decorate your space with a unique palm tree that will bring the sun and holiday carefree into the room.

3. Remember about breaks and meals
Working remotely from home means that we can cut off stimuli, get into the whirlpool of duties and forget about breaks or meals. In addition, at home, no one will encourage us to take a break together. It should be noted, however, that regular breaks allow you to rest, regenerate, and increase your efficiency in the long run. Therefore, plan and adhere to the scheduled break times. Go to another room, have a cup of tea, do a few exercises, or eat a nutritious meal. You will surely return to your computer with fresh, fresh energy.
4. Stay hydrated
Adequate hydration has a huge impact on the functioning of our body. In the office, it is easier to spend breaks with colleagues, during which we regularly provide the right amount of fluids. However, even at home office, try to drink the recommended amount of water, which is 2-2.5 liters per day. In the morning, prepare a jug of filtered water, and put it in sight. If you want a little variety, add mint leaves, lemon slices, orange or fresh raspberries to the water.

5. Work in regular hours
Working from home, we often have the option to choose the hours in which we start and finish work. Nevertheless, it is worth taking care of rigid remote working hours and organizing the day so that it starts at a fixed time. Thanks to this, it will be much easier for us to motivate ourselves to get up in the morning and maintain self-discipline.